Business development program based on sustainability strategies

Green Planet Strategy (GPS) is a competence and business development program designed to give companies increased competitive advantages through sustainability.

We have a unique overview of why and how companies should move to increase revenue and profit.
Through Green Planet Strategy (GPS) we offer you:
  • The understanding of WHY sustainability is a core for business
  • Powerfull tools to identify HOW you can increase profit and revenue
  • A process to do develop YOUR BUSINESS CASE based on sustainability strategies

We offer four standard packages:
  1. Presentation,  a no-bullshit intro to profitable sustainability
  2. Introduction/workshop, an packed update for C-suite and boards
  3. Masterclass, 2 day version for those who want to set things in action
  4. Fullscale, 9-12 months with support to develop/launch your own sustainability strategies
(Tailor made versions for your company/cluster available upon request.)

GPS builds upon thoroughly research done at Industrial Economics and Technology Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 

The program was developed in partnership with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and piloted with eight leading Norwegian companies from various sectors. Since, many companies has joined the program with great success. 



GPS-pilotbedrift: Dyreparken

Dyreparken er Norges største familieattraksjon, med ca. 1 million besøkende årlig. Destinasjon Dyreparken omfatter også Badelandet, Dyreparken Hotell og sjørøverhotellet Abra Havn.

Dyreparken arbeider på stadig nye fronter for å bedre miljøet, både for planter, dyr og mennesker.

The customer says

"For Dyreparken har GPS vært svært nyttig! Vi står foran store investeringer, og med bærekraft forankret i strategien, vil vi kunne utfordre oss selv til det ytterste med tanke på de kreative prosessene vi skal inn i, når ny overnatting skal planlegges. Med nettverket i GPS, og ikke minst de innspill som også har kommet fra GPS-teamet, håper vi at vi skal kunne klare å lage spennende, tematiserte, og unike gjesteopplevelser for fremtiden, med bærekraft som en solid planke i bunn"

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Futurefrogs AS
Strandgata 10, 4790 Lillesand Norway
+47 99796103